Pisgah Grade School

We lost most of the pictures, videos, and EVP files after our house fire that were stored on our computers in the house. This is all that we could recover from the hard drives of those computers.

We were contacted by a maintenance man from the Pisgah Elementary school. He reported hearing adults and children talking in the building when no one was supposed to be there. He would go and check it out and discover nobody was in the school.

We arrived at the school shortly before sundown and the maintenance man met us there and gave us a tour of the building. He stayed with us while we did our investigation and we were amazed by the activity we witnessed at the school. We heard people talking, children laughing and playing, and footsteps on the floor and on the stairs. However, we did not see anything paranormal whatsoever.

EVP Recordings

NOTE: In the videos below; we took the EVP recordings and converted them from MP3 format into MP4 videos, and placed a text describing the responses from the spirits so you can read them, and posted them on YouTube. If you would like to read the text responses from the spirits, you can watch the videos shown below in full screen mode or on YouTube.

Headphones highly recommended.

Slideshows & Investigation Videos