The Suicide of Aundrea

About Aundrea

Aundrea was a very attractive young woman in her early 30s. She had problems with drugs and alcohol, and she was arrested on several occasions for drug possession, and she spent quite a bit of time in jail.

The last time she was arrested for drug possession was shortly before she committed suicide. She posted bail and was released pending her court appearance. Just days before her court appearance she told one of her relatives, “I’m not going back to jail”. Within a few days of making that statement, Aundrea went down the basement of the house she was living in, and hung herself from one the plumbing pipes next to the washer and dryer.

Although she wrote a suicide note explaining why she did it. Her grandmother found her in the basement the next day and the note she wrote was sitting on top of the dryer. Her grandmother took the note and hid it for some unknown reason, and never told anyone about it.

About Suicide

Suicide is the one of the highest, leading cause of death in the US. Every year, about 44,965 people commit suicide in the US alone.

Suicide is most common among:

  • Men
  • People with brain injuries
  • People who have attempted suicide in the past
  • People with a history of depression and other mental health conditions
  • People who misuse alcohol or drugs

If you’re thinking about harming yourself, consider contacting a suicide prevention hotline. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. It offers 24/7 support.

Did you know, in 2016 alone, there were 44,965 suicides, up from 42,773 in 2014; an increase of 2,192 according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The annual suicide rate in the U.S. increased 24% between 1999 and 2014, the highest rate recorded in 28 years.

Talk about Who Suicide Hurts.

I have heard a lot of people say things like, “it takes a lot of guts to commit suicide”. But in reality, it’s a cowardly and selfish way out. Instead of facing life’s challenges head on and defeating them, they give into them. People that commit suicide do not take in consideration the people around them, family, friends, coworkers and so on. All they think about is how rough they got, how life is so unfair to them, and how hopelessly feel. Instead of going out, reaching out, to the people that love them and want to help them, they call it quits. So if you’re contemplating suicide. Think about your wife or your husband and your children. Think about your parents, brothers and sisters, your relatives, coworkers, friends and neighbors. Think about how your death would affect them in their lives. Think about the sorrow that they will feel for the rest of their lives.

We were called to investigate a house in 2013. The house was built in 1930. If you watch the video, you will get more detail about the house and the investigation. You will also hear the interview conducted with the homeowner's.

Spirits In the House

The spirits of 5 Family Members are in the house including Andrea. Andrea was only 32 at the time of her death by suicide, Vincent died less than an hour after his birth, Jack died at the age of 63, he committed suicide in his apartment but he is here. He was Andrea’s uncle; Grandma Mary was 64 at time of her death, and John, the father of the woman that called us to investigate the house.

We also found 3 other spirits that couldn’t be identified by the family members that attended the investigations with us, and their names were Kathy, Tom and Harry.

Video Slideshows & EVP Recordings

NOTE: In the videos below; we took the EVP recordings and converted them from MP3 format into MP4 videos, and placed a text describing the responses from the spirits so you can read them, and posted them on YouTube. If you would like to read the text responses from the spirits, you can watch the videos shown below in full screen mode or on YouTube.

Headphones highly recommended.

Slideshows & Investigation Videos