Spirit Possession - Signs and Symptoms

Note: The symptoms of spirit possession I am going to talk with you about can be psychiatric or psychological changes; therefore, you must be cautious when you look at these as signs of possession, also taking into account the possibility of drug use.

All of the symptoms can be a cry for help or signal the beginning of drug use or mental illness. When these are the only signs present, seek psychological counseling first, before giving any thought to the possibility of possession.

Many of these changes are normal, especially when dealing with teenagers. Don’t automatically think of possession unless you have some reason to believe they are vulnerable to possession.

For example, if they have been performing rituals or dabbling in the occult and then you start to notice personality changes.

However, the likelihood is that it is a natural problem, natural being psychiatric or psychological caused by Puberty.

There are many other indications of possession. Look for some of those signs before you give credence to the idea of possession.

In addition, never mention to someone undergoing personality changes that they might be possessed. You can plant a dangerous seed by doing that.

Category 1 - Symptoms of Possession

  1. Look for changes in personality. This is usually seen when the person is sociable and suddenly becomes extremely quiet.
  2. Someone who is normally very active suddenly becomes isolated.
  3. Look for changes in sleep patterns.
  4. Look for sudden weight loss or gain.
  5. Look for changes in attitude and behavior, usually becoming hostile.
  6. Someone who begins cursing a lot when that is out of character for them.
  7. Notice if they suddenly have a dislike to religious objects. Like a person that normally goes to Church but suddenly despises the thought.
  8. Look for evidence of self-mutilation.
  9. Look for changes in the way the person dresses.
  10. Observe their personal hygiene and look for changes.
  11. Look for evidence of occult materials in their living space. Ouija boards are the most common.
  12. Look for destructiveness on the part of a person, especially if that destruction is of religious objects.
  13. They may become abusive and threatening to people and/or animals around them for no reason.
  14. They may become violent. They often attempt to hurt animals.
  15. The person may experience severe nightmares or night terrors.
  16. They may perform acts of self-humiliation, such as urinating on themselves, etc.
  17. They may be sexually pre-occupied by exposing themselves to others.
  18. Take note of what appears to be a different personality or multiple personalities.
  19. Look for unusual changes in diet. Foods that were once favorites may now be repulsive to the person. They may eat foods that they once detested or may quit eating completely.
  20. 20. Take note if they seem to have blackouts in their memory.

That was in category 1, now I will tell you about category 2.

Category 2 - Physical Changes Affecting the Person:

  1. The person involved may go for long periods of time without blinking their eyes (can also indicate a neurological condition).
  2. The person may appear catatonic (can also be a sign of mental illness).
  3. The person speaks a language they could not possibly know (or speak with an unusual accent).
  4. The person speaks in tongues.
  5. The person will become completely rigid where they cannot be moved at all, even by multiple people.
  6. Look for changes in their eyes. They may turn almost black like shark eyes.
  7. Look for obvious changes in their physical features.
  8. The person may possess inhuman strength.
  9. The person may exhibit “precognition.” That is the ability to predict the future.
  10. The person displays “retro cognition.” That is the ability to know about past events they couldn’t know anything about.
  11. The person may be able to know something about a person they have not met.
  12. Their voice may change. It may go from high too low to guttural.
  13. They may be able to tell what you are thinking.
  14. They may move in some unusual way. For example, they may seem to glide instead of walk.
  15. Writing or symbols may appear on their body in the form of welts and scratches. Look especially in areas they could not reach.
  16. They may levitate.
  17. Eye color may change.
  18. There may be multiple voices coming from the person at the same time.
  19. Take note if animals appear to be frightened of the person, especially if they begin acting fearful when there are personality changes in the person.

Note: Most of those symptoms can be related to medical or psychological conditions but some of them fall outside the realm of science. If you start to see a few items that I have mentioned, there may be serious cause for concern.

At this point, you start to take items from the first and second category and see if they are consistent.

Obviously, some are more telling than others. You have to give weight to the values when you try to make a determination.