Prague Nebraska

We lost most of the pictures, videos, and EVP files after our house fire that were stored on our computers in the house. This is all that we could recover from the hard drives of those computers.

Our Investigation

Our investigation started off on a strange note. The woman that contacted me for an investigation was in the process of moving out, and not in.

I thought it was a bit strange but I told her I would meet with her in town at the local Kwik Shop located on Highway Ave just off Highway 77 in Prague. We sat down and had a soda as I listened to her and her husband talk about some of the occurrences they witnessed.

The stories they told me were out of this world to say the least, but I have heard stranger stories.

First off; only a month had passed since they moved into the house, and now they were moving out.

The very same day they moved in. She took a picture of her six year old daughter on the front porch in front of the door. The woman said, “This was the first house we ever lived in and my daughter wanted the picture to show her grandma”. She reached into an envelope and pulled out the picture of her daughter on the porch. Just on the other side of the storm door inside the house was an elderly man looking out at her. The man appeared to be a bit translucent, and his face was distorted. He was dressed in an old style suit with an old west style hat, called a Derby.

She then told me about some children they would hear screaming and crying sometimes during the day upstairs in the bed rooms, she found a little boy curled up in the corner of the fruit cellar under the house crying, and when she spoke to him, he vanished into thin air, and quite often they would hear a woman screaming and/or crying at night between midnight and 1 AM at least 2-3 times a week. She also told us about doors that would slam shut, they would hear heavy foot step in the hallway upstairs, dishes would fly off the table, and their 2 year old dog died for no apparent reason just days after they moved into the house. Her entire family slept in her room every night because they were afraid. She also mentioned she would find bruises on her children’s arms and backs. Her husband said, “We are moving out and we are going to stay with my brother at his place in Oakland until we find a new place. We just want you to check it out and see what you think.”

We started our investigation the very next night around 10PM on a Friday night. The husband unlocked the door, but he and his wife refused to go in. Instead, they waited out in the driveway next to their car.

Investigation Follow-up with Katheryn Dyer

A few days after our investigation, we drove back out to the area to see if we could get more information about the house and the people that lived there.

I asked several neighbors that lived in the area and they all refused to talk to me, and some of them were extremely rude. We finally found a woman by the name of Katheryn that was willing to talk with us. She lived a little over a mile away from the house. Katheryn was around 80 years old and an old farmer’s wife.

I asked her about the house and she told me it was built back around 1937 when she was about 16. She also said she know the people that lived in the house, and she said she would babysit for them every Friday night when the couple would go to the dance hall in town.

I then asked her what they were like. She said that the lady (Rebecca) was a very nice lady and a great mom to her 5 kids, three girls and 2 boys, but her husband Harold was, and I quote, “A real drunken ass hole”.

I asked her what she meant by that, and she said, “Harold was a drunk and really abusive to Rebecca and the kids. He would go out almost every night to the saloon in town and get drunk, and then he would go home and beat on his wife and kids.”

She recalled a few times when they came home from the dance in town that he would start beating on Rebecca as soon as they got in the door.

Katheryn said, “I remember going over there a few times with my mom and Rebecca would have a split lip, bruises all over her arms, and one time she had a black eye. The kids would have welts on their backs from being whipped with a belt, and other bruises on their arms and legs. Sometimes he would lock the kids in the fruit cellar for days as a punishment for stupid things. The children hated their dad.”

She said Those 5 kids had no one to protect them but their mom. The Department of Health and Human Services wasn’t founded until April 11th, 1953, and Child Protective Services (CPS) was first established in response to the 1974 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act which mandated that all states establish procedures to investigate suspected incidents of child abuse.

When I asked what happened to the family, she told us that Rebecca finally got tired of the abuse and left him one night during a bad thunder storm. She said she was about 18, when Rebecca left, and she found it very strange that she would leave him at night during a bad thunder storm with nowhere to go, and no way to get there, and not take her kids. She loved those kids.

Leslie asked what happened to the family then. Katheryn said the dad died one summer night in an accident driving drunk. She thinks he was between 50, 55 at the time. The kids all stayed in the house. None of them ever got married, and they all died in the house. Some of them turned out to be drunks like their dad. The youngest boy Bobby, died at home when he was about 7 years old, two of them committed suicide when they were in their early thirty’s. One of the girls hung herself in the barn, another overdosed on sleeping pills and killed herself, the other boy drank himself to death when he was in his 40’s, and the last one died a few years ago from a heart problem. The house was then sold at auction around 1998 – 1999 to some guy from Lincoln and he rents it out. He must be a lousy landlord because people move out as fast as they move in.

I was blown away because everything Rod told us was true and accurate.

Video Slideshows & EVP Recordings

NOTE: In the videos below; we took the EVP recordings and converted them from MP3 format into MP4 videos, and placed a text describing the responses from the spirits so you can read them, and posted them on YouTube. If you would like to read the text responses from the spirits, you can watch the videos shown below in full screen mode or on YouTube.

Headphones highly recommended.