Barnard Park

Investigation Began 6/24/2023

Barnard Park, some call the most haunted park in Nebraska. This popular playground stands on what used to be a cemetery called Green Grove Cemetery, and the history at the park will send shivers down your spine.

History of Barnard Park

Green Grove Cemetery was dedicated in the late 19th century, but Fremont experienced a population boom around the same time.

Records indicate that many of the town's founders were buried in the original location and now rest in the new cemetery. However, local legend says that a few bodies were left behind when the graves were moved. As a result, Barnard Park is thought to be a very haunted location.

Start of Our Investigation

We started our investigation of Barnard Park on Saturday, June 24TH 2023 at 8:00PM. Despite the amount of traffic on East Military Ave in Fremont, NE, and the number of trains passing through town we did acquire a few decent EVP recordings and a few good pictures of the spirits in the park. The interaction we had with the spirits was quite remarkable. We would do an EVP recording and when it was done, we would listen to it, to see if we got any responses from the spirits. When we would acknowledge what the spirit said in its response to our question, the Motion Ball (A small clear plastic ball that lights up when a spirit touches or moves it) would light up as if the spirit was letting us know we were right.

More Historical Information

The Barnard Park Historic District is a residential district surrounding a city park in Fremont, Nebraska. The neighborhood was platted in three different sections following the initial platting of the town. The houses were built for the professional and business community and are representative of the architectural styles popular during the late nineteenth and early twentieth -centuries. The most numerous houses are Queen Annes, bungalows, and American Four-Squares. The neighborhood was one of the earliest additions to the original town site, yet very few of the houses of the 1860s and 1870s remain.

The park itself was originally the town's burying ground, known as "Green Grove Cemetery". When Ridge Cemetery was established west of the city in the late 1870s, nearly all the graves were relocated to the new cemetery. Legend maintains that one or two unmarked graves remained, hence the common name, "Dead Man's Park".

The park received its official title as an honor to E. H. Barnard who was one of the original members of the town site company in 1856. Barnard was a surveyor and platted much of the early city.

We urge you to enjoy the self-guided tour of this district which includes nearly thirty different, yet remarkable residences dating back as early as the 1860s. Please take particular notice to the cast iron lamp posts throughout Barnard Park, which vary in styles that date back to about 1920.

Should you desire more detailed information on structures in the district, the staff and volunteers of May Museum-Dodge County Historical Society will be pleased to assist you. The library and research materials at the Museum are available for use by the public.

News Article - Spirits of Barnard Park under investigation - by Jeff Forward - Jul 6, 2023

A reporter for the Fremont Tribune by the name of Jeff Forward did a news paper article about our investigation of the park on Jul 6, 2023 titled “Spirits of Barnard Park under investigation”. If you would like to read the article off line, you can download it here or view it in a new browser window.

Historical News Reports

Here are six downloadable historical news articles in PDF format from the Fremont Tribune about our investigation, Green Grove Cemetery, and Barnard Park from 1884, 1962 and 2007 .

  1. (NEW) Fremont Tribune - Thursday July 6th 2023 - Spirits of Barnard Park under investigation    Download News Article
  2. (NEW) Fremont Tribune - Wed August 1st 2023 - Ghost hunters claim to film spirit in Barnard Park    Download News Article
  3. Fremont Tribune - Wed Oct 1st 1884    Download News Article
  4. Fremont Tribune - Wed Nov 28th 1962   Download News Article
  5. Fremont Tribune - Mon Oct 29th 2007    Download News Article
  6. Fremont Tribune - Spirits of Barnard Park under investigation - by Jeff Forward - Thu Jul 6, 2023 - Paranormal detectives to be at park twice in late July    Download News Article

EVP Recordings

NOTE: In the videos below; we took the EVP recordings and converted them from MP3 format into MP4 videos, and placed a text describing the responses from the spirits so you can read them, and posted them on YouTube. If you would like to read the text responses from the spirits, you can watch the videos shown below in full screen mode or on YouTube.

Headphones highly recommended.

We had a hard time doing EVP recordings due to the amount of traffic on E Military Ave. It is hard to hear the spirits talking. It is best to use headphones

Slideshows & Investigation Videos